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1.5.53 RSS Function Not Visible to Guests?

21 Jul 2010 13:22 #2048

The RSS function needs a selective directory for each user as a user can choose between different RSS feeds, i.e. feed by category, feed by user etc.

That is why the user ID is needed and this is only granted by registration or login.

RSS feeds for anonymous users would be possible, but they would have only one directory for all anonymous users. If an anonymous user (with ID = 0) would select feed by category \"General\", this would be valid for all anonymous users.

Offering all categories and all user ads to anonymous users could bother a user by throwing tons of information to the newsfeed reader. That is why we have restricted RSS feeds to registered users only.

Any improvement suggestion will be welcome.

Ob ein Glas halb voll oder halb leer ist, ist mir egal. Hauptsache meine Zähne passen rein.
No matter whether a glass is half full or half empty - as long as my teeth fit in.

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16 Jul 2010 13:49 #2040


Not in a hurry for a response on this, but the RSS button only appears when a user is logged in.

Would be cool to have the option of guest visibility. I presume the feed will show ads to a subscribed user once they have saved it to their reader even if they are not logged in?



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