Installation of KISS Advertiser on your web server strictly follows the Joomla guidelines. Usually it works without any problems. However there may be some issues with certain server constellations.
Some servers are too slow or overloaded -especially at cheap hosting services- due to the webspace shared with hundreds of users. Some times the server generates a timeout upon uploading the file package. In this case you might get an "Installation ERROR" and the server reports that the XML file is not available (although it is definitely present in the package). In worst case you might get no error message at all or a blank page.
The installation routine exits without success. In this case follow the next steps in order to get your KISS Advertiser package installed.
Step 1:
Download the most recent version of from our Download Repository.
Step 2:
Unpack the zip file on your local computer. You might want to create an special directory for that, i.e. "com_ksadvertiser" and let the packer unpack the files into this directory. Most packers such as WinZip or 7zip will create the directory by default so you do not need to create a directory prior to unpacking. After unpacking the package, you will usually get 9 directories and 9 files (may be slightly different depending on the KISS Advertiser version).
Step 3:
(image 1 shows FTP Client File Zilla in German language)
Upload all files and directories via FTP as they are (all elements marked grey on the right side of image 1) into the /tmp directory on your Joomla server (marked blue on the image's left part). For this action you need an FTP client software such as FileZilla or Adobe Dreamweaver.Step 4:
(image 2 and 3 showing Joomla Backend in German language)
In the Joomla Backend, select Extensions->Mangage->Install (German: Erweiterungen->Verwalten->Installieren, see image 2). The text field in the second row should show the path to your Joomla's /tmp directory. The text field is labelled 'Install from directory' (German: Aus Verzeichnis installieren, see image 3). Click on the "Install" button right below the text field. Now the component should install without problems from the /tmp directory. The server saves the time for uploading and unpacking the zip package and will no longer generate a Timeout error.