× KISS International Help Forum. English language, please.

Offeror ?

07 Mär 2010 17:31 #877

Thanks Guys and Gals. Great Job. Contact was a good choice.


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04 Feb 2010 12:13 #440

Hi Deemo,

\"Offeror\" is an individual who offers something. It is not actually a \"Seller\" because some goods or services are offered free of charge and so they are not sold.

Maybe \"Advertiser\" would be a better word, but it is too long to fit the tab\'s width. If you know a better descriptive word for \"Offeror\", we will be open for your proposals and change the language file.

BTW, the German word for offeror is \"Anbieter\", substantive of the word \"anbieten\" (to offer).

Edit: We changed the word \"Offeror\" to \"Contact\" in the language file. Will be replaced with the next release.


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Letzte Änderung: 04 Feb 2010 12:37 von Admin.

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04 Feb 2010 08:07 #439

What does the word Offeror mean?? It appears on the second Tab under individual adverts. It\'s not something in German I recognise and although it does appear in the dictionary it certainly is not a common term or spelling. I would like to change it to Advertiser, Seller or maybe location which makes more sense considering the Tabs content.

I searched the CSS and the html to edit the word but I can\'t find it. Where is it in the source please.


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