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KISS GooSence causes 500 error

01 Apr 2017 11:28 #6994

Thanks for your response.

I am (for now) using Joomla 2.5, is that an issue for the module?

The Database Version is 5.5.36-34.2-648.squeeze
The PHP Version is 5.3.28-1

Could any of this be the problem? I am aware that this is an old version of PHP, but my provider doesn't want to update it because they are phasing out the virtual server I'm on while they apparently don't have new ones available to move to :(

I do have Adblock Plus but I disabled it for testing purposes. Even so, having an adblocker enabled shouldn't break the entire site, only hide the ads themselves. The older version never gave any issues.

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01 Apr 2017 10:36 #6993

as you can see here , the GooSence module is working with the most recent Joomla version 3.6.x (you must be logged out in order to see adverts as on this website, ads are displayed to anonymous users only).

If you encounter an error 500 (which means 'Internal Server Error'), something is probably interacting with the server redirection. This eror also occurs if your PHP or Mysql version is incorrect. Please also check for other components which could influence advertising displays, such as popup blockers etc.

Ob ein Glas halb voll oder halb leer ist, ist mir egal. Hauptsache meine Zähne passen rein.
No matter whether a glass is half full or half empty - as long as my teeth fit in.
Letzte Änderung: 01 Apr 2017 10:40 von DocChicago.

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31 Mär 2017 19:35 #6992


I am currently running a Joomla 2.5 (most recent version) website and am preparing it for migrating to a Joomla 3. I have been using the KissGoogleAdsense module for quite some time, but wanted to update now to the latest version - Kiss GooSence - to make sure it will be compatible with Joomla 3.

So I installed it (I didn't uninstall the old version yet, it's still on there too), but when I configure it and enable the module, then all pages that are supposed to show the google ads are giving a 500 error. As soon as I disable the module, the webpages work normally again.

Everything should be configured correctly, as I put in the exact same settings as in the old module.

What can I do to fix this?

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